Our Store
From its modest 2011 beginnings in what was a renovated home-turned-medical-clinic, The Quilted Raven has become one of Yellowknife’s “must visit” destinations. Beautiful in all seasons, visitors stop to admire the delightful ‘winter wonderland’ lights or exuberant summer flower display.
Inside the Store
Inside the store you will find a warm welcome in equally warm surroundings. Charlene and her staff are happy to assist you or leave you to browse on your own. Customers often comment on how they love the colour and the décor – and of course all the fabric and project choices!
Links to our friends:
Yellowknife Quilters Guild: http://www.ykquiltersguild.ca/
Yellowknife Guild of Arts and Crafts: https://ykguild.wordpress.com/
North of 60 Quilting Services, call Anita for more information at 867-446-2677
Canadian Quilters Association: https://canadianquilter.com/
Extraordinary Extras, Vermillion AB, longarm service: contact Carol at eextras@telus.net
Wildflower Quilt Studio, Sechelt BC: https://www.facebook.com/wildflowerquiltingstudio/
Located in beautiful Yellowknife, NT
Yellowknife, the capital of the Northwest Territories and gateway to Canada’s North, is located in a vast “rocks and trees and water” landscape, but it acts much more like a big city than it has any right to. Visitors will find lots to do at any time of the year!
Picture credits: Clarence Joldersma and Cindy Laurson.